Removing Barriers. Building Connections. Launching Careers.
As of December 31, 2024, the ConnextMSP Talent Network Portal transitioned from a private log-in platform to a publicly accessible community now residing on LinkedIn. Please use the links and resources below to stay connected to this community.
Stay Connected
Join one of our two new LinkedIn groups tailored to your needs:
Career Circle for Early-Career Professionals (for college students, recent grads, and early-career professionals
ConnextMSP Network Partners Groups (for recruiters, employers, and community partners)
Together, we’ve removed barriers, built connections, and launched careers.
As of December 31, 2024, the ConnextMSP Talent Network Portal transitioned from a private log-in platform to a publicly accessible community now residing on LinkedIn. Please use the links and resources below to stay connected to this community.
Career Resources